The Funding Love Adoption Podcast with Mal + Kate
Join Mal + Kate each Monday as they talk about adoption, parenthood, Disney, and MORE! They are two adoptive moms that seek to love, support, and elevate all corners of the adoption triad through honest conversations with adoptive parents, birth moms, & adoptees, all while running Funding Love, a non-profit that strengthens bonds, builds community, and restores people through all-expenses-paid vacations to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida!
So grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine; there’s always a seat open for you at the table. When you tune in, you are Funding Love - with Mal + Kate!
Podcasting since 2022 • 133 episodes
The Funding Love Adoption Podcast with Mal + Kate
Latest Episodes
What to Expect in the Hospital when You’re Adopting
So you’ve been matched and have done your best to prepare your home for brand new baby. Now, the moment is here and expectant mom is delivering the baby! What does that look like?What is the right thing to do, say, expect?
Season 5
Episode 4
Preparing Home, Heart,+ Family to Bring Home Baby
We’re right in the middle of Season 5 of the Funding Love Adoption Podcast, and this episode, Mal + Kate chat about what it looks like to prepare your home, heart, + family to bring home the baby you’ve been matched with. Connect with&n...
Season 5
Episode 3

Getting THE Call: “You’ve Been Matched!”
This week in the Funding Love Adoption Podcast, Mal + Kate talk about what to expect when it comes to THE call; the call that all hopeful adoptive parents dream of hearing - “You’ve been matched!”Listen along as they share their encoura...
Season 5
Episode 2
Welcome to Season 5!
Welcome to Season 5 of the Funding Love Podcast! In this first episode, Mal + Kate chat all about the new year for Funding Love and what to expect in this new season of podcast episodes. Listen along as they share their "words" for the ...
Season 5
Episode 1
Christmas Bonus! Funding Love Book Club - Ep 4: Adoption Unfiltered
The Book Club Crew is back for the FINAL episode of the Funding Love Book Club. This time, they are discussing Adoption Unfiltered: Revelations from Adoptees, Birth Parents, Adoptive Parents, and Allies. Adoption Unfiltered aut...
Season 4